Friday, January 23, 2009

The best lookin' show on TV: Mad Men

OK, I am going to post one last late night tribute entry before turning in: I have been jonzin to see the second season of my new favorite television show, Madmen. I received season 1 on DVD for Christmas and had watched all 13 episodes by New Year. The stories and characters are great but the series' styling steals the show. I need to watch the episodes twice; once to watch the characters and again to take in the setting, costumes, hair and lighting:

What a fine looking period the 60's were. And for the record, I believe this was the best era of men's fashion ever. If you are slim, there is no excuse to not own a great two button, fitted suit. If Madmen doesn't convince you, pop in your copy of North By Northwest and Cary will school you on how great a well dressed man can look!
If you could replace your wardrobe with that of a television or movie character, who would you choose?

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